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Hydraulic embossing presses
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Gold Sand UAE - Our Suppliers
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WILHELM GREWE Founded in 1920 by Fritz Grewe in Gross Schneen, the company originally specialised in painting and decorating. In 1932 he was succeeded by his son Friedrich Grewe. Todays owner, Wilhelm Grewe, took over the company in 1962 and step by step introduced spray painting to the business.

In 1967/68 we began to produce car license plates; a completely new process for us. The company is now run as a partnership between Wilhelm and his son Lothar. We now use 500 tonnes of aluminium to produce 3 million laquered and reflective plates a year. We gradually began to produce the hydraulic presses for embossing, the embossing tools themselves and hot stamping machines for printing. A further development has seen the introduction of laser technology to imprint security codes and serial numbers on every plate.

As a result of our extensive knowledge we are able to involve the customer in all points of the production process.

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